
Online Store

Welcome to our online store. Scroll down to find our books and webinars that are available for sale. If you hover over the item or click on the item you will find more complete descriptions when available. Thank you for your support. All purchases go towards supporting the education, research and community activities of the Lilly Kolisko Institute for Anthroposophic Medicine and help to make possible our ongoing work.
A New Line of Anthroposophical Remedies
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
A Way Towards Handling the Current Vaccination
Type: Webinars
Price: $20.00
Anthroposophical Medical Impulses, 1922-2022
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
Arsenicum – A Core Anthro-Homeopathic Remedy
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Aspects of the Ego Function in the Digestion
Type: Webinars
Price: $20.00
Astragalus – Anthroposophical Insights
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Beyond the Masks in Viral Infections
Type: Webinars
Price: $15.00
Cardio-Vascular Vitality I
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Easter Reflections in the Corona Time 2021
Type: Webinars
Price: $5.00
Healing Mysteries and the Epiphany
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
Helleborous – A Major Therapeutic Renaissance
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Increasing Effectiveness of Anthro. Therapies (I)
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Increasing Effectiveness of Anthro. Therapies (II)
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Laboratory Beginnings in 2021
Type: Webinars
Price: Free
Medical-Anthro. Reflections in the Corona Time
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
Michael and the Being of Eurythmy
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Pelargonium Root Extract – Respiratory Protection
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Reflections on the Healing Impulses of Ascension
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
Rudolf Steiner and Mushroom Therapies
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Substances Related to Christmas and Holy Nights
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Summer and St. John Tide Mysteries in New Remedies
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
Summer Impulses in Anthroposophic Medicine
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
The Mysteries of Iron and the Developing Child
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Understanding Anthroposophical Potencies (I)
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Understanding Anthroposophical Potencies (II)
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Viral Illnesses (I)
Type: Webinars
Price: $15.00
Neon CRM by Neon One