
Online Store

Welcome to our online store. Scroll down to find our books and webinars that are available for sale. If you hover over the item or click on the item you will find more complete descriptions when available. Thank you for your support. All purchases go towards supporting the education, research and community activities of the Lilly Kolisko Institute for Anthroposophic Medicine and help to make possible our ongoing work.
Webinars--General Anthroposophy
An esoteric approach to the 12 Holy Nights
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
Christmas and the Mystery of the Etheric Body
Type: Webinars
Price: $35.00
Easter Reflections in the Corona Time 2021
Type: Webinars
Price: $5.00
Esoteric Aspects to Rudolf Steiner's Calendar
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
Esoteric Basis of Metamorphosis Principle--Nov '23
Type: Webinars
Price: $40.00
Esoteric Michaelic Impulses of the Year 1922
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
Healing Mysteries and the Epiphany
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
John The Baptist Webinar Series
Type: Webinars
Price: $90.00
Meditative Thoughts for the Holy Nights
Type: Webinars
Price: $15.00
Michael and the Being of Eurythmy
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
Reflections on the Healing Impulses of Ascension
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
St John and the Alchemy of Medicine
Type: Webinars
Price: $15.00
The Foundation Stone and Its Rhythms
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
The Foundation Stone and Rhythms Lead to Christ
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
The Foundation Stone Spoken in German
Type: Webinars
Price: $5.00
The Rhythms of the Foundation Stone Meditation
Type: Webinars
Price: $25.00
The Three Doors to the Holy Nights
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
A Sevenfold Path Through Advent: Addendum--Dec '23
Type: Webinars
Price: $10.00
A Sevenfold Path Through Advent--Dec '23
Type: Webinars
Price: $20.00
Part of the Anthroposophical Movement?-Feb '24
Type: Webinars
Price: $15.00
Neon CRM by Neon One